Me Me Me Me

13 March 2014

This week movies // Filmovi za ovu nedelju

Only lovers left alive je divan novi Jarmusch-ov film. Po meni Jarmusch ne moze da omane, prosto volim njegovu poetiku i kako gradi likove, a to je ovde zaista sjajno izvedeno. Daleko od toga da nemam zamerku. Imam. SPOILER ALERT! Film i nema bogznakakvu pricu i usudicu se reci da je u trenucima dosadan, ali s druge strane reditelj to vesto pokriva sjajnom studijom likova, kako i on sam kaze, sitnim crno-humoristicnim detaljima, divnom fotografijom, muzikom, teksturama i ostalim. Sto se mene tice, iako je volim, Mia Wasikowska nije ni morala da se pojavi.
La vie d'Adele me je prosto oduvao! Jako lepo ispricana i izrezirana prica sa sjajnim glumcima, ubedljivim scenama, prosto vas tera da ga volite sve vise sa svakim sledecim kadrom. Film traje 3 sata a da se ne oseti. Scene seksa, koje su uvek zeznute da ne ispadne, evo ih samo radi kontroverze, su ovde pametno odradjene, nepateticne i ubedljive i to je plus za reditelja. Da li da spomenem da sam i plakala malo pred kraj ;)
Her uf, sta da kazem za ovaj film a da me pola populacije ne ubije ;) Ne znam, meni se nije svideo. Jedva sam cekala da se zavrsi. Nit mi je bio romantican, nit mi je bio zabavan, prica i nije sad toliko wow, ali ajd da i zanemarimo to, prosto nije dovoljno dobro razradjena, po meni. Ono sto mi se svidja jeste kostim, fotografija, ti neki art detalji, ali celokupna prica, jok! Joaquin je sjajan, da se razumemo, a Scarlet ce me nervirati, cak iako joj se cuje samo glas.
Dallas buyers club mi je bi prilicno dobar. Sto se tice Matthew-a, ne znam da l' je zasluzio Oskara, al svakako mi je bio jako dobar i ubedljiv. A ne volim ga. Mada, mozda mi se ipak vise svideo Jared Leto. Sjajna transformacija, gluma, jako mi je drago sto se opet vratio na platno. Ako zanemarimo njegovo iritatno rock star pozerisanje, Jared je sjajan glumac i mestu mu je def. medju velikim projektima.
August: Osage County u principu sam film najvise gledala zbog Benedict Cumberbatch-a, nisam imala ocekivanja, tako da je proslo ok. Super cast, dosadnjikav, odlicna gluma, doduse i par sjajnih momenata. But, that's all.
Memories of Matsuko je sjajan japanski film, koji sam doduse gledala jos davno, ali svakako zaluzuje da se pomene. Super prica, izvedba, duhovito, dirljivo, smesno, malo wierd na onaj pozitivni japanski nacin i vizuelno jako interesantan. Jako volim reditelja filma, Tetsuya Nakashima, prosto ne mogu da odlucim koji mi je bolji film, Memoris of Matsuko, Kokuhaku ili Kamikaze Girls


Only lovers left alive is wonderful Jarmusch's new movie. But, if you ask me, Jarmusch can't fail. I just love how he narrates, how he build characters, and it's done excellent in this one. I do have a couple objections, SPOILER ALERT. The movie doesn't have story, in sense of making some interesting plot or something like that, and sometimes it was a little bit boring, well, not boring, but slow. But Jarmusch compensates that with great study of characters and their atmospheric being, like director said himself. Great details, music, dark humorous moments, excellent photography, textures etc. And, although I love her, I wouldn't miss much Mia Wasikowska not being there.
La vie d'Adele  is absolutely wonderful movie. Really nicely shown story with great scenes, actors, from the beginning 'till the end of the movie. Sex scenes, which are always tricky not to look like they are there just because of the controversy, are very convinsing and that is the big plus.  Should I say that I cried at the end of it ;)
Her weeel, I didn't like it very much. I didn't find it either romantic or original, just it didn't feel that much elaborated. I like costumes, music, photography and stuff and Joaquin was pretty nice and Scarlet will always be irritating even though you just hear her voice.  
Dallas buyers club was pretty good. I don't know was it for Oscar, but Matthew was excellent. But I was more enthusiastic about Jared Leto. Great acting, transformations and beside his rock star bullshit (pardon my French), I really think he is great actor and his place is definitely in big projects.  
August: Osage County actually, I've watched this movie mostly because of Benedict Cumberbatch, but unfortunately, he didn't have big role. Nice character, but besides some nice scenes and dialogs, a little bit boring. 
Memories of Matsuko is a great Japanese movie. Great story, acting, a little bit weird, but in a good way, excellent details, moving, visually very good. I really like that director, Tetsuya Nakashima, and I can't tell which movie is better, Memoris of Matsuko, Kokuhaku ili Kamikaze Girls

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